
CNN.com - Neighbor: Connery 'made life hell' - Feb 23, 2005: "She confirmed that the property was owned by his son Stephane but insisted Sir Sean lived in the Bahamas."
His son's name is Stephane?


Continued Contruction
Sort of... we still haven't broken ground yet. Permit should be in shortly, waiting on final quote. My guy had originally said one price then threw out that when he submitted for the permit he had to put some price on there so he put an arbitrary $25,000... um... that is almost $10,000 over what you originally said. How about you give me a hard quote before you touch a shovel to ground? Hm? Good.

Saturday Night Fever dance floor for sale!... on EBay! - stating April 1


Well I had the highest bid but I didn't reach the reserve.

The wife was away this weekend on a women's retreat for our church (see 'the body' in the links). It left me with the two kids (3 and 1) for the weekend. It also left a variety of other dads in the same situation. I haven't heard any horror stories which is a testiment to the men of our church. Mostly event packed Saturday's and napping on Sundays. I packed the kids and met no less than 3 dads and their tag-alongs at Chucky Cheese for some pizza and arcade magic Saturday at just before high noon. What a great time! After 10 minutes of trying to decide in which format we were going to spend the small fortune on low grade pizza and a cup of game coins we managed to feed everone and wear out the 60 second rides with no breakdowns or fits. My trio's collective favorite was a wave runner simulator that you actually sat on. It rocked the three of us around and we crashed into the walls and jumps via the little man's driving.
We then survived a trip to Wal-Mart for groceries and rounded out the evening with the Little Mermaid. What a great excuse to watch all the old Disney movies my kids haven't ever even heard of!


Peasant's Quest: The movie
If you are a fan of Homestar and haven't been over it a while start here... especially if you spent any time at all playing Peasant's Quest the game.

The Bluetooth phone glove
If I was actually going to buy a cell phone this might actually be an incentive for me to invest in a blue tooth capable one...


Stop whatever you are doing

Index of /files
Click on the 'Baby Got Book' file


This is a great site that has a blips on different emerging technologies like this one that is about a sail to increase fuel efficiency for barge ships.

Another one that is a "related story" off to the left is this
A hovercraft that is able to fly at low levels because of the wings.
You have to check the video of it in action
video clip
Not bad for under 5 grand.


New Scientist Breaking News - 'Supercomputer-on-a-chip' microprocessor revealed: "Developed jointly by IBM, Sony and Toshiba, the microprocessor is fundamentally different from the chips that power most computers today. It incorporates eight separate processing cores, or 'synergistic processing elements', which are capable of communicating with one another at high-speed. A standard chip has single, larger processor"

Looks like we are all in for a speed bump sometime. If Toshiba is putting these in High Def TVs the cross applications/products will be soon to follow as everyone tries to keep up... Oh Intel, what shalts thou do?

No real significant drop but I'm guessing they will have to counter punch sometime soon.


Cox & Forkum Editorial Cartoons
This site has some great political thought and cartoons.


gizmag Article: Snowboarding on the street
Holy Crap!


Caution: Construction Area
The wife and I are getting ready to start a screened in porch addition on the house. I thought I would track our progress through the event. Last night my guy came by the house to get another look at the house so he can get some drawings together to get the permit done.
My task is to get the underground wiring marked so we don't cut my phone and power lines. Seems easy enough but neither the power company or the phone company have any info on their website that I can find. Emails sent and time passes....

We're looking at a ground break sometime the week of Feb 14. So far the most exciting part is that was the same date my guy told me over 2 months ago. The previous guy kept telling me "a couple of weeks" for over 6 months. He had come highly recommended for his quality but the guy was a complete liar so I was relieved to start fresh with someone new.


Gran Turismo 4
I'm hoping one of my buds with a PS2 will pony up the cash for this one and have me over and then get a work related phone call and be tied up for 3 or 4 hours.