
Eli to play for NYGiants
I don't follow the NFL that much but I like the Titans since Steve, Coach and a few others live within a couple of miles from me. Past that I like Peyton ok too since he does well, he's a Vol and I'm a Vol.
This is pretty rediculous though. Just out-and-out saying "don't bid on me, you can't pay me enough". With superstar mentality like that I hope he gets his clock cleaned out a few times.


Willy Wonka Sounds
This is fantastic! I can't wait for the boy and the girl to be old enough for us to all sit and love this movie together while eating pizza and coke.


SB Email 101
Strong Bad has a new email!

It is Wednesday, hump day, but for me it is like Tuesday since I was out on Monday. Problem is that I am worn out like it is a Thursday because I was taking care of my sick family on Sunday and Monday. I'm also doing work that should have been done on Monday but isn't done yet. Looking forward to Friday, which will seem like Saturday but have the work due Wednesday (or Thursday if I catch up before then).

Sincronize Swatches... now.


Subservient Chicken
Tell this Chicken to do whatever you want.


Eye fasion = stupid


Montel was on the tube when I walked through the cafeteria this morning on my way to my desk. It actually turned my stomach.
Do people sit and watch this stuff at 8 in the morning?.. or 9 rather.


The Visual Thesaurus, a Dictionary of the English Language
If you haven't tried this already, you should.
If I didn't just use Microsoft Grammer Check I'd throw out my thesuarus and dictionary.


Google launches e-mail service - Apr. 1, 2004
Gosh... good.

USATODAY.com - Usher sells ear-popping 1.1M albums
Good gosh.

Herald Sun: Gruesome killing frenzy [02apr04]
It turns my stomach that the people responsible are doing so in the "name of God". The blind eye can't see the hand of Satan.