Heroine Addiction Cure
Somebody call Neil Young. They will be using a couple of his songs I'm sure in the commericals run on primetime TV.
me and trout just go well together
Heroine Addiction Cure
Next time you want to make a great prank call to a corporation have the receptionist page Brian Washington repetedly.
Jars of Clay - Who We Are Instead
He doesn't look like me.
weather.com - Local Travel Page The wife's birthday is Jan 29. Looks like turning 30 has upset some sort of balance. high of 43 and a low of 7.
This guy will be dead before the he reaches 20. There is no chance of survival when you are this stupid.
New Scientist
I shy away from pop culture gossip, but I heard Britney was re-doing this song.
"Robot Scientist" Said to Equal Humans at Some Tasks
Someone that works at the movie theater deserves a hug. My wallito fell out of my pocketo during Damn Cold Mountain and they held it for me.
Tennessee River Fish
USATODAY.com - Phone giant licenses Wozniak's wireless tech for tracking
Butterfingers should not be way up in the vending machine. They should be down near the bottom, amongst their people, so they don't reach terminal velocity before crashing in to the cold cold metal sheeting just below my little anxious fingers.