Tennessee River Fish
me and trout just go well together
They guy who put the original site together is riding this all they way to the bank. I'd love to see what kind of cash he is brining in.
Original Site - Real Ultimate Power
Got this from HackADay.
This guy built a focal point burninator which he calls the Death Ray and burns all sorts of random stuff.
I suggested a tin full of bottle Rockets.
Major K.
365 and a Wakeup
Sic Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Three guys fighting the good fight and blogging about it. Major K has a great story from today about some locals who are so sick of the insurgents when men in masks started shooting they pulled out their own AK's and blew three of 10 away chasing the others back into a retreat. How great. He also notes how difficult it was to find that story in the media... media wants everyone to think we are in this for years to come with no end in site. Major K thinks this is a great step and needs to be shared.
Tennessee River Fish Comments I can't see the comments from work easily because Decablog is categorized as Chat and blocked by the work IT goons. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to carry the format I have and have Blogger comments now that they are free. Funny that Decablog is blocked but Blogger isn't.
Groung broke, footings poured and inspected and the block foundation has begun. Unfortunately we've had a bit of crappy weather lately so not much done this week. Looking to pickup up as the weather does.
Google News
Google News now allows you to edit the page... cool.
You can add as many sections as you want setting the search criteria. You can also edit how many stories are shown. If you really need to know what's going on in Entertainment you can change the number of listings from 3 to 30 and if you want to see what Patty Label has been up to lately you can add a whole section and get the latest 10 stories... or just the latest 1 if you happen to be someone who is obsesed with her and check your Google News multiple times a day so you don't miss anything. Of course if she would freaking update her website with current info you wouldn't have to seek info from outside sources divulging the lack of trust in your relationship to the whole world.