Chorus: There have been a few beer commercials in the past that were written with the idea that they could mock a certain job type personality with insincere thanks, get a laugh, cause a few water cooler conversations and sell a couple of beers. Not once did they cause me to buy a beer of any particular type and I don't have a water cooler. I have laughed at these simple jokes, but they do make you ponder the importance of some semingly unimportant possisions in our daily life. The foam finger man for example. In the span of history the guy who invented the foam finger stating such and such team was "# 1" or even a generic finger with no team loyalty. This finger, when worn proudly, evokes pride for the wearer and at the minimum a nod in affirmation by his co-fans. If I notice a similar possision I will do my best to thank them here... this blog. No doubt the subtle impact they might have had deserves more than a mention on a blog that is ready by 5 people a day (4 of which are typically routed here by Google search looking for "pictures of Tennesse Fish" or "fishing the Tennessee River" or "mouse hunting" and the 5th being myself).
BPC: Thank you "Median Mower Man"
Your tractor with attached multi-blade, uneven, trash munching, curb crunching, drop down mowing thing is a steadfast keeper of time. Circling through your route once a month it reminds me to mail my electric bill, change the air filter in my central heat and air sytem, and thank the Lord I don't have to work in the beating sun. Who knows were you go 7 months out of the year. Off to your caribean holiday home or circling the globe in search of the endless summer and miles of interstate with 2 foot tall grass and beer bottles and cans to make into tiny diamonds or aluminum bullets. Your unending support keeps my line sight open to on coming traffic and the neighborhoods which have sprouted up within yards of the busy highway. Your attention to detail is unmatched. Thank you for following instructions to "Do not mow - wild flowers" which allows the reds, yellows and pinks of the buds to flourish. So as the mowing season comes to an end, I thank you and wish you safe travels for the fall and winter.