
The countdown to new baby is getting louder in my head.
June 6 is the due date and we are almost ready. There are a few things that the wife and I want to have done to the house and what not before the girl is actually living in her own room instead of in my wife. I am so ready to meet her though. Me and babies just go well together for some reason, especially since the boy came around. The wife has taught me so much about loving them and caring for them and letting them be free. I love the fact that the boy is learning responsibility and he isn't two. He is obviously my wife's son every time he leaves a room, then returns because he remembers he forgot to put something away. He loves to play in the mud. He loves to throw a frisbee, football, tennis ball, handfulls of grass, kick a soccerball, shoot a basketball, shoot a frisbee like a basketball, blow bubbles, sing songs about his freinds and parents and grandparents, and watch airplanes fly across a "bue sky".
What will Anna be like? How could it be different? Who will be the first boy I sit with in the living room while I sharpen my pocket knife and talk about their plans for the evening? I can't wait.


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