Well the day you've all been waiting for is finally here.
What? No, I wasn't talking about just another Friday. It is time to pretend to work for a few hours and then cut out a little early and go fishing the entire weekend. Well, I guess that only applies to me, but you are excited for me aren't you?
Here is an email I sent the Friday of our trip last year to our groups distibution list... some things don't change.
History repeats itself. Here is my post from this same respective day last year. I'm a lot more comfortable in my job now, so I'll probably just pretend to work and then just leave. Can't wait.
Friday 3/15/02
Dear Diary,
I want to cry. Many of my friends are standing waste deep in a rushing
river and I am stuck here, pretending to work.
I want to get my fly rod from my car and put it together and beat
ruthlessly those who would imprison me in this man made material shaped
into a three walled cell. "Release me!"
Diary, if you had eyes I would say "Do not look at me with pity in your
eyes. Do not look at me with honor as my impatient knees bounce and my
mind wanders to thoughts of Southpaw and campfire embers."
If my anxious heart does not cramp and quit before I leave this hell I will
write again from the water's edge.
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