
I don't know if it is just the one Home Depot that is near my house or if they are all crap, but this one is crap. I was a Lowe's fan until a guy doing some remodeling on the house suggested I try Home Depot because they have a good return policy. My only comment after the fact is "Hey, lets worry about actually getting the product before we talk about returning it."

I ordered faucet/tub stuff and the entire order was screwed up. All I got the first time was the toilet paper holder... the one item I didn't mind installing myself. Had to reschedule the install, got the faucet, two sets of handles (only needed one) and no tub parts. Went back in and asked them to overnight the tub parts, "ok" they said. So I asked them to get on it since it was 5:30 PM and I wanted them the next morning at 8. "oh, ok" they said.

So I stood there with both my kids while they actually called the distribution center in Louisiana. They were put on hold and I asked for the manager. About 40 min later they talked to someone who told them they missed the shipping cut off by 10 minutes. I said to the manager "fix it" and walked out.

Needless to say they didn't come the next day and I had to reschedule again. I spent the next day on the phone telling them "I don't care, just order one that goes with the faucet I already have".

The manager makes some comment about how they are eating the overnight charges and I say "I don't care about overnight charges, I work for UPS and know you don't pay jack for shipping anyways". He doesn't have much to say after that.

Finally some more parts arrive.. Notice I didn't say "the rest". The little white porcelain handles turns out were left off the original order and the regular ones were duplicated (that's why we got two sets).

Stuff is in and it looks good... problem is that after I originally ordered the bathroom stuff, I walked over to the Millwork department and ordered new storm windows for the whole house.

They were supposed to be in last Friday. "Oh, well lets see here. Let me call on those." (hold for 5 min) "Looks like they should be leaving the factory today and will be here sometime next week." If I hadn't already paid for them...

Lesson learned: Lowe's may be a little tighter on returns, but if its too much hassle I'll just return it to Home Depot and let them deal with it.


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